Thursday, July 7, 2011

Azusa Nakano of K-on

She is currently in the same year and class as Ui Hirasawa and Jun Suzuki, and has quite a mysterious demeanor. She is a self-proclaimed novice guitarist who has been playing the guitar ever since the fourth grade, while her parents are working in a jazz band.
She joins the light music club during the middle of the first season. She is often exasperated by the tea and sweets served by her club mates, and by the costumes they wear. However, she has a certain weakness for sweets and can be calmed down rather easily, sometimes just from being petted. Yui had nicknamed her Azu-nyan (-nyan is a Japanese suffix associated with cats) after convincing her to try on a pair of cat ears and say "meow". Ironically, Azusa is not too good with cats. In the band, she looks up to Mio mostly due because of her maturity. She even tries to give Mio chocolate on Valentine's Day. However, she sometimes unintentionally makes remarks concerning Mio's weaknesses, such as her weight. She gets a tan very easily, once during their time at the beach and another during a music festival (even after applying sunscreen). Azusa is always frustrated with the club's aloof behavior, but she tends to get roped in inadvertently, and ends up enjoying herself as well. She is also very smart and takes care of Yui when she can, making study plans for her, teaching her guitar, and cheering her up by meowing or cosplaying for her.

Haruhi Of Haruhi Suzumiya

Haruhi Suzumiya, a high school girl who can unconsciously change reality, and her strange antics with her school club, the SOS Brigade. She founded the Brigade to investigate any mysterious happenings. Haruhi forcibly drafts her cynical classmate Kyon, who narrates the series, and similarly recruits three additional members into her club: the silent bibliophile Yuki Nagato, the shy and timid Mikuru Asahina, and the friendly "mysterious exchange student" Itsuki Koizumi. These members soon reveal themselves to Kyon as the extraordinary characters Haruhi is seeking, sent by their various organizations to observe her and hold her reality warping powers in check by maintaining the illusion of a normal life.

Ai Enma of Hell Girl

Ai Emma was originally a human girl that had became a ritual harvest sacrifice for her village over 400 years ago. As per tradition, she was to have been left out to die from exposure and starvation. However, her cousin and only friend Sentaro Shibata tried to save her. But just as the two were reunited, the villagers discovered the two. This time, it was decided that Ai was to be buried alive – with Sentaro forced to shovel earth on top of her! But not long after that, Ai broke out of her grave and destroyed the village, burning it to the ground.
It was the decision of the God of Hell, who took the form of a spider, had decided that Ai should atone for her deed. She was forced to numb her emotions and become an observer – or otherwise the souls of the ones she loved would be forced to wander in Hell forever.
As the Hell Girl, Ai lives in a world of eternal sunset, her only company is her unseen grandmother, and her assistants Wanyūdō, Ren Ichimoku, and Hone-Onna, all in their forms of straw dolls. Her access to the living world is an old Macintosh computer, where she operates her web site, 'Hell Correspondence', which can only be accessed after midnight.
As soon as someone with a grudge petitions her – and she feels their grudge is legitimate – Ai would appear to them and give them a straw doll with a scarlet thread tied around the neck. Usually, this doll would be Wanyūdō, who is the back doll, but sometimes it would be Ren, the blue doll, or Onna, the red doll. With it, Ai would tell the petitioner that, if they truly wish vengeance against their foe, to pull the string off the doll, which would bind them to a contract with Ai, and she and her associates would ferry that soul to Hell. But she also makes it clear that, should the petitioner wishes vengeance, that they too would be ferried to Hell following their deaths – the sign of the contract a black flame mark on their chests.

Evangeline Mcdowell of Negima

Evangeline was born in a castle in Europe during the Middle Ages, possibly in Ireland or Scotland from her surname, although it is not known if she was royalty or not. When she awoke on her tenth birthday, she found she had been turned into a vampire while she slept (through sorcery, not by being bitten, thus making her a Shinso vampire or "True Blood Vampire"). Initially she had the customary weakness of a vampire towards sunlight and so on that she learned to overcome. She developed her magical powers in order to get revenge on the man who turned her, whom she killed. She was initially forced to lead an itinerant life since she could not hide the fact that her body no longer aged, though later she uses magic to disguise herself as an adult. 
Little more is known about her history until more recent times when she was saved by the Thousand Master, then pursued him mercilessly out of love thereafter until he managed to shake her off. Feeling rejected, she finally tracked him down in Japan, but was tricked into walking into an "anti-vampire soup" composed of garlic and leeks. Employing the powerful Infernus Scholasticus (School Hell) curse, the Thousand Master confined her to the grounds of Mahora Academy and put in place a barrier to restrict her abilities. He claimed that Eva should try to "live in the light for a change" and promised her that he would free her from the curse when she graduated. Unfortunately, 5 years later, he "died", thus her chance of being free from the curse was gone until his son Negi came. Konoemon Konoe, the School Dean, employed her as a security guard, personally keeping him informed about events occurring in the school.

Tabita Mayuki of The Familliar of Zero

Tabitha is a quiet girl who is a classmate of Louise and the best friend of Kirche. She is a chevalier knight, the lowest degree of knight. Her familiar spirit is a wind dragon named Sylphid, and named as Irukukwu when she is in human form. She became besotted with Saito after they reclaimed her from Vitartial. She does not show any emotion in her face, and gives short answers, sometimes phrases only. It is explained that Tabitha's mother became impractical or insane because of the effects of a potent poison that was supposed to be drank by Tabitha herself. She is a wind mage, and later became a square water or wind mage. She is the rightful heir to the throne of Gallia

Tabitha is a small girl with blue hair and eyes and wears a pair of red eyeglasses. She wears a white, long-sleeved blouse underneath a long, black cloak reaching until her feet pinned by a circular, gold or brass pin attached to a ribbon. She wears black, short skirt and white, long, stocking-like socks reaching until her skirt, and wears brown pair of school shoes. She brings with her a large, curved staff, which she uses in place of her wand.

Kamura Reiri of Princess Resurrection

Reiri Kamura (嘉村令裡, Kamura Reiri) is a pure-blooded vampire, who walks freely under the sun and goes to school, of which she's seen as an idol there. She used to live in an abandoned church until it was burned down by other vampires after she opposed Kiniski, and helped a werewolf-- Riza Wildman-- in his castle to save Hiro Hiyorimi, on the orders of princess Lillianne, after Reiri was hand-cuffed together with Riza.

She is quite clever as shown when she and Hime are the first to understand the situation.She is often seen smiling and she is quite playful as shown by she teasing Hiro,much to Riza'sannoyance.She hate ocean,river and lake like all of the Vampire as stated by her and her almost drowning in a lake.She also seem to have a guilty conscience when she abandon Hime and the other,which is not common for Vampire.She also love the blood of virgins, girls and cute guys.She also speak in a playful tone as a music note is often shown when she is happy.She too can be angry,as shown when Riza handcuffed her.

C.c of Code Geas

C.C. is immortal, healing from any wound (implied to include beheading) with enough time. She also doesn't age. Apart from her immortality, C.C. has the ability to bestow people with the power of Geass, which manifests differently in each person but generally carries the ability to affect the minds of those it is used on in some way. A Geass sigil appears on her forehead whenever she manifests this power, and she has a similar scar on her left breast. Her powers caught the interest of Britannia, who imprisoned her for experimentation purposes.